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I would like to take this opportunity to give a big thanks to C Corner family because this community is helping all the developers from all over the world. Once I was searching for a solution and stumbled upon the C Corner website where I found the right solution to my problem. I started accessing the website regularly and learned a lot. After some time, I thought of helping other developers stuck in projects and started sharing what I know. Obviously, I gained a lot of knowledge being here , like improved my presentation and communication skills along with better coding. Now, I am addicted to C Corner just like others being addicted to Facebook. Previously, I had no great hobbies but now, I am habitual of sharing the knowledge. C Corner is as fantastic as the name is. From every corner of C developers are obliged to be a part of this site. Proud be to part of C Corner. Sharing the knowledge and learning things is best thing over here.

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He said gases that 9 escape from the interior and cause the flashes. He added that the moon flashes have 10 the 1950s, "but they have 11 observed". The professor said countries that want to build a base on the moon should be "familiar with 12 ". Scientistsarepuzzledatflashesoflightonthemoon. Thisstrangesituati onishappeningseveraltimesaweek. Sometimestheflashesareshort;a tothertimestheyarelong. Onoccasion,thereareplacesonthemoonthat becomedarker. Expertsarewonderingwhatiscausingtheflashes. Amet eoritestrikecanmakethemoon'ssurfaceglowbriefly. Theflashescould occurwhenelectricallychargedparticlesofsolarwindhitmoondust. Atel escopehasbeensetuptolookatthemoon.

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Online degree programs are geared towards individuals that do not have the time to take in a four year education, or are possibly even continuing their education. Employers understand that, as well. With an online education, you will gain as much respect as with any other college degree. Myth number three, businesses are more likely to hire a person with a traditional bachelor degreeStudies show that businesses and employers show little preference for one over another. Generally, simply having completed college is the qualifying aspect that will get you in the door. After that, your qualifications, experience, and personality will land the job. In many cases, applicants who hold an online bachelor degree will impress employers. In getting this degree, it shows that the person had the initiative and drive to gain the education needed and become more qualified for the career they wish to pursue. Businesses are always looking for people who have that motivation. Myth number four, the price is too highCompared to many four year universities, the price is actually very low. While it may seem like you are paying a lot for the cost of running the online program, in most situations the price per course is much lower than a university.

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The same gun freaks believe in banning drugs. They believe in banning abortions. They recognize society bans certain things for the good of society. We should ban guns for the good of society. People have romanticized guns. The Founding Fathers. The Old West. Self defense and never mind the average American has only a one in 250 chance of being the victim of a violent crime. It's all a delusion. Guns kill. They kill people from a distance.

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