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The appellant or representative and the representative of the university shall have an opportunity to ask questions of the other and any witnesses called and members of the TPAC shall have the opportunity to put questions. Once the two sides have presented, the TPAC has the right to request further submissions, oral or written, as it sees fit. e The appellant shall have the right to enter new evidence that was not available at the time of the previous hearings such as updates of the status of articles submitted for publication. The TPAC shall not accept any new evidence from the Employer unless it is in response to new information raised by the appellant in their appeal. New material will be made available to all those making presentations as far in advance as possible and in any case not less than five 5 working days before the hearing begins. h The TPAC will select one of the following determinations, which shall be binding upon the parties except as provided in Article 10.

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as in relation to a pet site that isBy the way . in my RSS reader, Ive seen your name pop up once in my bloglines . i believed you used pet and training in one article!Hi Andy hey you are the lottery blogger from the BlogTopSite listings right?Gambling is always a good niche. Yeah thats me!Ive had a couple of people saying theyre confused at the sites purpose but I think thats just because I havent made the blog to make money directly, I maintain it to give advice to my affiliate team and to anyone that knows about the affiliate site. Signups and referrals come as a welcome side effect. It seems my google searches are suddenly back working, my PR went up to 5 a little while ago and I think it may be something to do with that. Now for vwd lottery I am very high in google. co. uk searches number 2 and 3 and a directory listing of me is 4 and today I notice a much much higher google referral count so looks like duplicate content penalties can be overcome. Ill donate a fiver towards your journey and if I win the big one this week, I might even pay for it all!heres hopingThanks for the info. I probably wont get into article submission I already have enough trouble writing consistently for my blog.

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A. R. Osborn, illustrated by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite. Whitcombe and Tombs, Melbourne, , 32p. 9th print. The Guinea Pig that wanted a Tail / text by Mrs. A. R. Osborn, illustrated by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite. Whitcombe and Tombs, Melbourne, , 32p. 12th print.

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